Andre is a 2008 graduate of the Faculty of Law, Atmajaya Catholic University, Jakarta. Since joining the firm in March 2009, he has been handling and advising a broad range of corporate and commercial matters to numerous Indonesian and foreign clients, covering among others general corporate matters, foreign investment, acquisition of companies, financing & re-financing, employment, tax and intellectual property matters. The business sectors of the clients he handles are varied from financial services (such as multi-finance and insurance), manufacturing, trading, construction, information technology and many more.
In 2015, he had the opportunity to be seconded to Nishimura & Asahi, Tokyo, one of the largest law firms in Japan.
From time to time, Andre also assists his clients in resolving their legal disputes.
Andre holds a license to practice law in Indonesia and is a member of PERADI. He also holds licenses to practice law as an intellectual property consultant and as a capital market consultant. He is a member of Asosiasi Konsultan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Indonesia/ AKHKI (Indonesian Intellectual Property Attorneys Association) and Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal/ HKHPM (Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants).
Language: Indonesian, English