ROSETINI IBRAHIM, SH, LL.M, holds a law degree from the Faculty of Law of Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung and a Master of Laws degree from The American University, Washington, D.C.

Rosetini started her own law office, Rosetini Ibrahim & Associates in 1995. At the end of 2004 Rosetini left that firm and started Rosetini & Partners in the beginning of 2005.

Prior to opening her private practice, she was a legal officer at the Jakarta Office of a Japanese bank, a participant of the international attorney program at Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy, New York and an associate at Law Firm Liane Gunawan. Rosetini has much experience in handling corporate, commercial, foreign investment, merger and acquisition, banking and finance transactions.

Rosetini holds a license to practice law in Indonesia and is a member of PERADI.

She also holds a license to practice law as a capital market consultant and to act as a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy cases. In addition, she holds a license to practice as an intellectual property consultant and is authorized to assist clients in the registration, dispute resolution and enforcement related to intellectual property.

She is a member of Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal (Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants) Asosiasi Kurator dan Pengurus Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Trustees and Receivers) and Asosiasi Konsultan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Indonesia/ AKHKI (Indonesian Intellectual Property Attorneys Association). 

Rosetini is the Managing Partner of Rosetini & Partners.


Languages: Indonesian and English